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Sharon's Story

Founder & Chairman of YIT

The Sharon Toney-Finch Story:


I was injured during my 2 tours in Iraq and was taken to a hospital in Germany for surgery and recovery. While on my tour in Seoul, South Korea, I was in excruciating pain and went to the Army Hospital and the International hospital for relief to no avail. I was just a few weeks into my pregnancy so there was very little I could take for the pain I was in. I was put on bed rest and given meds to take. I was taken off bed rest because it was time for the annual inventory. Within 2 weeks of being back at work, I went into labor and was transported to Samsung International Hospital in Seoul.


Yerik Israel Toney was born weighing about 1 pound (1.3 lbs.) on 04/08/2014. It was devastating and I was feeling all types of emotions. My baby was about the size of my hand and he was beautiful, strong, and a fighter. He survived 7 months and 14 days, passing 11/22/2014. During his time in the NICU at Samsung, I would take a cab almost every day to see him and spend time with him. He went through surgeries, treatments, and intensive care therapies while in NICU and remained on the ventilator until his passing. It was expensive taking cabs to the hospital from the base, it was very emotional, and I was very far away from home. It is important for parents to be able to see their baby without worrying about how they are going to get there. They are fighting for their baby's life and should not have to worry about meals, transportation, or a place to stay. This is one of the reasons this organization was established, to reach out to parents with Preemies in NICU and be of assistance to them.


I believe if Yerik were living today, he would be happy to see families with Preemies receiving assistance and him being a part of it. As well as being a 100% Disabled Veteran, I want to give back to the Veterans that paved the way for me to serve. We are dedicated to helping those Veterans that are homeless and low-income to provide permanent housing.

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